Knaus Tabbert Mobil RF1300 mobile booth (dimensions: 6m*2,2m)booth drawing

Structure: It is built entirely from wood, complete with shingles and exterior log cabin-like traditional appearance. The interior is fully fire-resistant, with a two bowl sink and hand sanitizer dispenser (hot and cold water, with exterior pipes, and internal water storage), 230V electricity, protected by shock protection relay. The maximum electrical usage is 2kW. Our electrical setup has earned an electrical safety certificate.

Ovens:3*32A 400V electricity, protected by sgock protection relay. The maximum electrical usage is 28kW. Our electrical setup has earned an electrical safety certificate.

Air freshening: We also have a high-powered fan on our roof with a decorated rotating vent, used for dispersing cooking oil vapors in the air.


Quality assurance:
Prepared potatoes: SGS IT09 0167, MSZ EN ISO 9001:2001 H373/6549/D
All-natural fruit juice: SGS NAT 15076/06
OÉTI permission number: 1077/2006
Clean Center kitchen sanitation brand
Registration number: B13/2010

Twist & Chips Kft

Tax ID: 11732820-2-13
Company registration number: 13-09-134479
Registered trademark: M1000377

Address: Sólyom u. 1, 2011 Budakalász, Hungary
Telephone: 26-540-137, Fax: 26-540-138
Executive director: András Kókai, tel: 70-317-4323

All-natural potato chips
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